Services provided
Family Law Services
I provide litigation services in Ontario for Child Support, Spousal Support, Custody, Property Division and more. I also draft domestic contracts from Separation Agreements to Marriage Contracts.
Wills and Estates Litigation
I draft Wills, power of attorneys and provide a comprehensive estate planning strategy. I also offer litigation services in Ontario Courts to challenge or defend a will, remove an executor, make a claim for unjust enrichment and more.
How I do it
I am dedicated to access to justice!
I understand that legal fees are the single greatest barrier for individuals seeking legal representation in Ontario. My office considers each client's financial situation and provides options to finance you legal matter. I offer legal services to clients who are funded by Legal Aid Ontario, have flexible fee arrangements and provide discounts to clients on low or fixed incomes.
Legal Aid:
Block, fixed or Flat Fee:
I provide flexible fee arrangements for some types of legal services. Under this fee structure, a retainer is signed with an agreed upon amount charged for performing a particular stage or step in a matter regardless of the time spent.
Discount rates:
I provide discounted rates to low-income individuals and seniors on fixed income. Please contact my office for more details.